FRACTAL UNIVERSE announces the worldwide streaming of 'The Impassable Horizon - Alive’, drops first excerpt of the show ‘A Clockwork Expectation’.
FRACTAL UNIVERSE announces the worldwide streaming of 'The Impassable Horizon - Alive’, drops first excerpt of the show ‘A Clockwork Expectation’.
Shot during the 2021 lockdown at Le Gueulard Plus in Nilvange, France, this unique show was the one and only time the band performed their latest opus in its entirety, alongside fan-favorites from previous records.
The band’s most notorious song ‘A Clockwork Expectation’, with its intricate riffing and saxophone madness, should give you a proper foretaste to keep you waiting:
Mark your calendars and join us for ’The Impassable Horizon - Alive' experience on January 25th at 20:00 (CET)!